Sino-American Silicon (SAS) and its semiconductor subsidiary, GlobalWafers, jointly announced their monthly revenues for January 2024. SAS reported a consolidated revenue of NT$ 6.17 billion, reflecting a year-on-year decrease of 7.3%, while GlobalWafers reported a consolidated revenue of NT$ 4.4 billion, indicating a year-on-year decrease of 25.9%.

The primary reasons for the decline in January revenue compared to the same period last year can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, the impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan on January 1st resulted in a delay in the shipment of certain products from GlobalWafers’ Japanese subsidiary, with shipments rescheduled to early February.

Secondly, GlobalWafers adjusted its shipment plans for January and February to the end of the first quarter in response to customers’ inventory adjustments. Additionally, being positioned in the upstream of the semiconductor industry, the expected recovery timeline for wafer phase is anticipated to be one to two quarters later than downstream, as the majority of customers are still actively reducing existing inventory in the first quarter, with limited increases in capacity utilization.

According to the prevailing market sentiment, it is anticipated that the semiconductor industry will experience a more pronounced recovery in the second half of the year. We will proactively adjust production capacity and collaborate closely with customers to align with their recovery pace, ensuring a consistent and stable supply to meet customer demand.

Original – GlobalWafers