Resonac Holdings Corporation published English version of its integrated report “RESONAC REPORT 2023,” and made it available to the public via the Group’s website

RESONAC REPORT 2023, which is the first integrated report published with the name of Resonac, is edited under the key concept of “Here We Go,” and introduces financial and non-financial strategies and tactics of the Resonac Group, which aims to be a Co-creative Chemical Company.

The Report thoroughly investigates “Co-creative Chemical Company” which the Resonac Group aims to be, and describes progress in “Resonac’s Human Capital Management” and training of “co-creative talent,” while introducing the Group’s new initiatives including “Resonac Pride Products & Services” which contribute to improvement in customers’ and  public welfare through practice of our Purpose, “Change society through the power of chemistry.”

In addition, the Report describes the present situation and future prospects of the Resonac Group including how “Team Takahashi,” the management team of the Resonac Group lead by President and CEO Hidehito Takahashi, functions, dialogue with outside experts about the Group’s human capital management, discussion with an outside director about transformation of the Board of Directors, and conversation and interview between Resonac’s global top and young researchers. Thus, more people appear on the RESONAC REPORT 2023 than those on the integrated report of 2022.

The Resonac Group positions the Report as a tool to give stakeholders better understanding of the Group and promote value creation through dialogue between the Group and stakeholders. It will continue communicating with the stakeholders via dialogue and the Group’s website how the Group is behaving as a Co-creative Chemical Company.

Original – Resonac